
"Anti-Zionism vs. “anti-Semitism” NEW RESISTANCE stands resolutely in the anti-Zionist camp. We believe that Israel is nothing more than an imperialist, landlocked “aircraft carrier” permanently moored to the Middle East, spreading destruction and subversion throughout the region. Furthermore, Zionist lobbyists and other fellow travellers- whether they be Jewish, Christian or secular- have had a distorting effect on American political and media life. For these reasons, NEW RESISTANCE allies itself with all other genuine anti-Zionist movements throughout the world. Anti-Zionism, however, doesn’t necessarily translate into “anti-Semitism”, a misnomer normally taken to refer to anti-Judaism. NEW RESISTANCE recognizes the right of Jews- as either individuals or within communities- to live in peace and according to their own traditions. We especially admire those righteous Jews who have heroically taken upon themselves to join the anti-Zionist struggle. Individual Jews who primarily identify with our cause and culture are earnestly welcomed to participate in NEW RESISTANCE activities. As for Jews currently residing in the bandit state of Israel, we urge them to come to a fair and separate peace with their Arab neighbours and totally dismantle all Zionist tools of repression (IDF, Mossad, etc…)" NEW RESISTANCE Manifesto Updated for 2018 and beyond