
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα ΠΑΙΔΕΥΜΑ. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα ΠΑΙΔΕΥΜΑ. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Noomachia: Logos of Cybele

 Noomachia (Serbia 2018) 

Lecture 4. Logos of Cybele

Alexander Dougin


The Indo-European warriors invaded the sedentary people the major part of them were matriarchy society. Mary Gymbutas. Bachofen.

The concept of paleo-european. The European population before the arrival of Turanian warriors.

The major centers of matriarchal civilization were in Anatoly and in Balkans. There was ancient civilization of Cybele. The Mother Goddess had different names but the same Logos. The birth and death. So absence of features in the face and head of Goddess was sign that was of no importance. There was a Power of manifestation.

The Goddes was immanent, chtonic, earthly. The male figures were absent. But there were the beasts – mostly two on both sides of Great Mother. After they were transformed in the half beast half human. They were possessions of Great Mother.

The figure of Attis. There was female Androgyne Agdytis that has given birth to beautiful youth. Cybele has fallen in love with that youth. But he wanted to marry earthly woman. Jealous Cybele has put the madness on him. He castrated himself and died. Cybele has resurrected him. He is the priest of Her. The fate of man in the Cybelian world.

Other type of male figure in Great Mother world is Titan. It is chthonic creatures with serpent features aggressing the Heaven. Dragon.

Matriarchy is not the female version of male (Indo-European) domination. It is special type of society based on the euphimization, the use of euphemism. The death is life, the darkness is light, the pain is joy, the passive is active. Nocturne regime in Gilbert Durand sociology of imagination.

The peasantry. The peasantry was based on the power of Earth co create the stalk of wheat, the stem of plant. The first farmers were women working as birth attendant (doula) rather than fertilizer. The hoe not the plow was main instrument. No animal horse neither bull was used.

So the peasantry corresponds to the paleo-european matriarchy.

When Indo-European invaders came from Turan to Anatoly and Balkans they have met with Great Mother – Chatal-Huyuk , Lepenski Vir, Vincha. That was the decisive moment of Noomahia. The struggle of heavenly gods with chtonic deities.

The result of battle is appearance of European peasantry. The Mother was dethroned and submitted. The mixed society arrived. F.Junger says the divine order is created on the tops of the defeated Titans. It is not on the void. It is based on the subordinate nature of Great Mother. 


Transcript of Noomahia Lecture 4 - Logos of Cybele 

In order to understand better how Indo-European culture came to the sedentary stage and what happened during this shift and this change in the structure in the moment of Noomahia, we must consider what was the existential horizon that was around Turan. So the Turanian tribes came to Eastern Europe, to Anatolia, to Balkans, to territory of Elam in Iran (Persia), and to Indian space. And these spaces were not empty or void. There existed some other civilizations, some other existential horizons with different kind of (we presume, or maybe the same but we will see now…) proper moment of Noomahia. What were these pre-indo-European civilizations of Europe, Balkans, Anatolia, Persia, and India? I follow here, as well as in the first and previous lecture, the concept of Marija Gimbutas, that affirmed that there existed in Anatolia, Balkans, and Europe before the coming of the Indo-Europeans, a very ancient civilization of the Great Goddess. 

According to Marija Gimbutas, Lepenski Vir, Vinča, Karanavo Gumelnița, and other archeological places belonged to the civilization of the Great Mother. This civilization was very similar to Çatalhöyük site, in Anatolia, in Modern Day Turkey. The oldest levels of this civilization belong to the 7-8,000 years before Christ. The first waves of the Turanian Indo-European population was 3,000 years before Christ. And so this civilization existed before the appearance of the Indo-Europeans. In the case of Europe, there is the name or concept used by Marija Gimbutas of ‘Old Europe’ or ‘Paleo-European.’ (Paleo is a Greek word for ‘old.’) This was a civilization, according to GImbutas, with the center in the Balkans, because the oldest findings and archeological sites were discovered precisely in the Balkans, in the territory of Serbia and Bulgaria and around there; Karanovo, Starčevo, Tisza, Körös, Pannonia, around there. And this civilization was the civilization of the Mother. We see feminine figures and no male figures, and the concept of the tombs, without weapons. These were sedentary type of ancient agricultural societies with completely different structure than Turanian Indo-European tribes. 

I suggest as well, Bachofen, who has written the book called ‘Muterrecht’ (‘The Law of Mother’), a classical and absolutely necessary work. In this work of the 19th century, he explored all the matriarchal topics in the tradition of the Greek civilization and the Anatolian civilizations; Lydian, Lycian, Carian, Phrygian, Hattian, and so on. And if we consider Bachofen’s big volume, or Marija Gimbutas, or many other authors, it is almost conventional wisdom. There are debates on who were these Paleo-European? What modern people are the continuator of them? The most probable is the pre-Indo-European Pelasgian population, Etruscan population, Hattian population (Pre-Hittite population), as well as the modern Caucasian population of Georgian, of Dagestanian, of Avar population, Chechen population, and Abkhazian population were the continuator of this pre-Indo-European Paleo-European population.

But what is important is that everyone agrees that before these waves of Turanian Indo-European Kurganian culture, there existed a different civilization with a different Logos. And when we study this Logos not only from the symbols but from some tales embedded in the European Hittite or Phrygian or Hellenic or Latin civilization, we could reconstruct, in main features, these pre-Indo-European cultures. 

The main features of this culture are the following. First of all, it is Chthonian, Earthly civilization. There is no idea of the Heavenly Father or the Light coming down from the Heaven. There is the Birth of the Great Mother. That is Great Mother Earth and Water, that has given the light to everything that exists. So the logic is quite opposite. There is a kind of primordial substance, that gives birth to everything else. And the figure of the Mother, the most ancient figures, they have the lower part of the body described in realistic way, but there is no head, no face, no hands. So the upper part of the body is not described because it was not the center of attention. The bearing belly of the Great Mother was the center of attention because it was the origin and the end. That was the tomb as well as the belly that gives the life. That was the center of this civilization and the center of sacrality.