
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Boris Nad. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Boris Nad. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

The Christ figure vulgarized version of Hellenism

Γι αυτούς που νομίζουν ότι Ιουλιανός, Πλήθωνας και Βυζάντιο δεν πάνε μαζί. Προφανώς γιατί βλέπουν το χριστιανικό Βυζάντιο, αντί του ελληνο-οικουμενικού Βυζαντίου. Κατανοητό, το ίδιο λάθος έκαναν και οι ίδιοι οι υστεροβυζαντινοί. Το ζήτημα είναι τί κάνουμε εμείς. Να θυμίσω ότι ο ίδιος ο σφοδρός επικριτής του ιουδαϊκού στοιχείου της βυζαντινής μας ταυτότητας - ξεχνώντας ή αγνοώντας πως ονομάζουμε ιουδαϊκά στοιχεία (Θεός Σωτήρας, Υιός Του Θεού, Σωτηρία της Ψυχής κτλ) εκείνα τα στοιχεία που στην ουσία είναι καθαρά ελληνιστικά και το μόνο ιουδαϊκό που έχουν είναι τα ονόματα της παλιάς διαθήκης κι αυτά πάλι από ελληνίζοντες Ιουδαίους - ονόμασε τον Ιουλιανό τέταρτο ιεράρχη και καθόλου τυχαία ... Ένα οικουμενικό, ελληνιστικό Βυζάντιο, θα μπορούσε να συνεχίσει την πορεία του αν παρέμενε ευέλικτο και προσαρμοστικό ως προς το εξωτερικό του περιτύλιγμα, κρατώντας την κεντρική του ουσία καθαρή με την μια, την άλλη ή την παράλλη θρησκεία ...  Ο χριστιανισμός ως ελληνιστικό ( ελληνιστικό = ελληνοιρανικό κι όχι ελληνοοριεντάλ) δημιούργημα, μια ελληνιστική ιδέα κλεμμένη και λανσαρισμένη καλύτερα, από τους μετρ του "μάρκετινγκ"! Τα μυθολογικά στοιχεία του Ελληνισμού, λανσαρισμένα σαν "πραγματική ιστορία" κι όχι πια Μύθος ... 

 "Thus we enter a time of great promise and hope. The Christ figure enters at a time ‘in history’ when the Xenophanesean process of demythologization had entirely influenced the Hellenic thought. This Xenophanesean process reached deep into the realm of Hellenic theology itself, existing in a varied form today as Rabbinical Judaism but also Capitalism. With this brought the idea that God was dead, that man had created God in his own image, or that God was purely a God of matter and stone. Another variant was that God had grown so old and tired, that Metatron was placed in charge of material affairs. Also the idea of the Demiurge is present in this. Humanity however was still a this ‘time’ cognizant or self-aware of the history vs. myth dynamic, and from within the vulgarized version of Hellenism cum Hebraism as historiological religion, there existed a minority from the priestly caste who foresaw the entrance of the Myth through the Door of History, predicted as Mythra or Sol Invictus: realized as the historiological Christ. At a critical time this minority group of priests tapped into the collective consciousness of the broad masses, in particular the military. Mythra or Sol Invictus as a messianic Hellenism eventually predominated. Christ as God transformed, the Logos, Creator and the Myth enters through the door of matter as a ‘historical personage’ with a mission to remythologize history. And in the same manner as the ever-present Buddha was simultaneously the historical Siddhārtha Gautama who existed along a ‘point in time’, the historical Christ figure is the reified Myth incarnate. It was significant of demythologization while at the same time having the telos of remythologization. The point of the historical Christ was disembodiment from historical matter. Hebraic or Xenophanesean (vulgar) Hellenism is to early Christianity what Historiology is to a remythologizing form of Historiography. Thus we can differentiate the Hegelianism of Marx from the ‘hegelianism’ of Fukayama. We can, through this narrative, see the USSR as apparently a historiological permutation with the esoteric telos of communion and remythologization. It was a doorway through philosophical materialism, presenting itself through a quasi-mythologization of historiology, as a critical attack on the impending consumerist midnight, the midnight of history. But it could not succeed over the consumerism of the Atlanticists for by this time man was already lacking the pre-conditions, fertile ground, a substrate. Man was too weak. The Destruction of the USSR then might be compared to the Crucifixion of Christ. Then does the remythologization of Soviet hagiography lead us to a struggle against the Zombie apocalypse at the midnight of history? Would this be the resurrection of the socialism as a type of Byzantine order? We now find ourselves with the emergent need to move towards a post-history, and an awakening of the myth." 

The last point of descent to hell

Boris Nad & Alexander Dugin

Liberalism is, according to the Italian historian of the ideas, Domenico Losurdo (in the study Contrahistoria del Liberismo, 2007), "ideology born with two faces". The hidden and dark face of this ideology is racism. These, mostly English, sleek gentlemen, who uncompromisingly fought for freedom and individual rights, were at the same time convinced racists. With the three glorious revolutions that shaped the modern story - in the Netherlands, England and America - there has been a renewal and development of the institution of slavery in modern times. In the mid-nineteenth century, the number of slaves in the United Kingdom amounted to nearly 900,000 (in the United States it is several times higher). Yes, exactly. Liberalism is essentially racist. It imposes itself as something universal and obligatory being the product of the historical experience of the Western society of Modernity. The ideology of human rights is also racist – it affirms the individual (liberal concept) as the only way to understand the human nature. Slavery is also Modern phenomenon. In the Christian Middle Ages, it was absent. It began with a shift from traditional society to Modernity, capitalism and liberalism. Liberalism is a totalitarian racist ideology that pretending to give the freedom installs the slavery. The West of the XIX and XX centuries no longer exists. It was replaced by a weakened "Post-West", which is no longer interested in modernization. Will such a "Post-West" develop in the direction dictated by "trans-humanism"? West is not a geographical concept, it is rather a type of society, paradigm of civilization. It becomes more and more independent from the geography, shifting to virtuality and cyberspace. So trans-humanism is essentially Western, it creates new electronic West, network West, cyber West. The moment of Singularity will mean the last victory of the West as metaphysical principle, that is a total decadence and the end of humanity. The European Union is a blind spot of European history and tradition, which, according to you, is "anti-Europe". What, in your opinion, happened to Europeans? The Europeans did arrive to the last point of their descent to hell. The darkness is so strong that nobody recalls anymore what the light may be. That is the consequence of the revanche of Logos of Cybele mastered in the origins of European civilization by Indo-European Apollonian cultures, but liberated itself from the the chains – like Satan in the Apocalypse story. https://arktogeja.blogspot.com/2017/09/the-last-point-of-descent-to-hell-boris.html