The age of guilt is over, we will not apologize for our achievements, our history cannot be used as a weapon against us, no-one can say they have legitimate claims on us -- we are in debt to no-one. Our glorious past is a matter pride and joy to us, whatever we have done in the past only inspires us today for even greater deeds tomorrow. Those who feel that we have wronged them should be happy they are still alive.
We will teach the young Europeans to defend themselves against those who try to deny their right to exist, who try to poison their spirit with guilt and self-hatred, we will make our young people immune to humility. We will teach our young people to face their enemies, to expose their malicious lies, to recognize their methods and to understand their hidden agenda. We will teach our young people to fight back first by using their brains and wits and then we will teach them to fight back with fists, bayonets, rifle buts, guns and tanks.
Kai Murros
This is war and our greatest enemy is the enemy within: the submissive, apologetic, guilt-ridden, self-hating drone -- the moment we manage to destroy the enemy within, destroying the rest of our enemies will be a walk in the park. We have to overcome ourselves before we can overcome the world.