We live in the era of the end – the end of culture, philosophy, politics, ideology. This is a time without real movement. Fukuyama’s gloomy prophecy of the ”End of History” is turning out to be a kind of reality. That’s the essence of Modernity, of the Kali Yuga. We are living in the momentum of Finis Mundi. The arrival of the Antichrist is on the agenda. This deep and exhausting night is the reign of quantity, masked by tempting concepts such as Gilles Deleuze’s Rhizome: the pieces of the modern Subject changes into the ”chair-woman” from the “Tokyo Gore Police” (post-modern Japanese film) – the individual of the modern paradigm turns into the pieces of dividuum. “God is dead” and his place is being occupied by the fragments of individual. But if we make a political analysis, we will find that this new state of the world is the project of liberalism. The extravagant ideas of Foucault, seemingly revolutionary in their pathos after more scruple analysis, show their conformist and (secretly) liberal bottom which go against the traditional hierarchy of values and aim at establishing the perverted “new order” where the summit is occupied by the self-adoring individual and atomistic decay.
It’s hard to fight against modernity, but it is surely unbearable to live in it, to agree with this state of things, where all systems are changed and traditional values become a parody, in addition to being purged and mocked in all spheres under the control of modern paradigms. This is the reign of the cultural hegemony.
And this state of the world bothers us. We fight against it – for the divine order – for the ideal hierarchy. The caste-system in the modern world is completely forgotten and transformed into a parody. But it has a fundamental point. In Plato’s Republic, there is a very interesting and important thought: castes and vertical hierarchy in politics are nothing but the reflection of the world of ideas and the higher good. This model in politics manifests the basic metaphysical principles of the normal (spiritual) world. By destroying the primordial caste system in society, we negate the dignity of the divine being and his Order. Resigning from the caste system and traditional order, as brilliantly described by Dumézil, we damage the hierarchy of our soul. Our soul is nothing but the system of castes with a wide harmony of justice which unites the three parts of the soul (the philosophical – the intellect, the guardian – the will, and the merchant – the lust).
By fighting for tradition, we are fighting for our deep nature as human beings. Man is not something granted – he is the goal. And we are fighting for the truth of human nature (to be human is to strive to super-humanity). That can be called a holy war.
What does the Fourth Political Theory mean to you?
It is the light of truth, something rarely authentic in these post-modern times. It is the right accent on the degrees of existence – the natural chords of the laws of the cosmos. It is something which grows up on the ruins of the human experience. There is no success without first attempts – all of the past ideologies contained in them something which caused their failure.
The Fourth Political Theory is the project of the best sides of the divine order that can be manifested in our world – from liberalism, we take the idea of democracy (but not in its modern meaning) and liberty in the Evolian sense; from communism we accept the idea of solidarity, anti-capitalism, anti-individualism and the idea of collectivism; from fascism we take the concept of vertical hierarchy and the will to power – the heroic codex of the Indo-European warrior.
All these past ideologies suffered from grave shortcomings – democracy with the addition of liberalism became tyranny (the worst state-regime according to Plato), communism defended the techno-centric world with no traditions and origins, and fascism followed the wrong geopolitical orientation and its racism was Western, Modern, liberal and anti-traditional.
The Fourth Political Theory is the global transgression of these defects – the final design of the future (open) history. It is the only way to defend the truth.
For us, truth is the multipolar world, the blossoming variety of different cultures and traditions.