
The Fascist state is an anti-state

Patriotic Socialism

The Fascist state is an anti-state, if you want to smash the state, put on a blackshirt:

Anarchists cry: "Smash the state!"

But what do they really mean by that? Ask a modern Anarchist and you'll probably get a variety of very vague answers, most of them are just radical liberals.

However, Anarchists in the late 19th and early 20th century entered the labor unions and saw in syndicalism and the general strike a method to smash the state and capitalism. They rejected the view taken by the Marxian Social Democrats that capitalism and democracy were gradually transforming into socialism, that the state-machinery was ready made for the proletariat, that the revolution only consisted in a change in government personnel.

Men from the revolutionary syndicalist tradition formed the core of Mussolini's original Fasci d'Azione Rivoluzionaria. They refined syndicalism into a workable system, and worked with conservative anti-democrats to create a coherent worldview that incorporated syndicalism, this is the origin of Fascism.

When will the Anarchists realize that the day we set about the organization of the corporate state will be day that we begin to smash the bourgeois liberal-democratic state and the capitalist system?

The Fascist revolution is a revolution against politics. The Fascist syndicates, based upon industrial and occupational representation, replace the bourgeois-democratic state of political parties and based upon geographic representation.

Our opponents will claim that the Fascist state is clearly totalitarian and dictatorial. But our state is social and transformative, through it the people demand unity and action. It is unlike any previously existing state, it is an anti-state in every sense of the word